Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hidup PAS

This is really weird and I'm not sure where I read this news. I heard that PAS Kelantan is offering RM 10,000 to those who marry non-Muslims. They will get their 10 large after their spouse converted to Islam of course.

But don't you think it's strange it is to offer someone money for inviting a person to join Islam. I always believe that if a person wants to convert to Islam, he/she has to do it because his/her heart tells him/her that that's the right thing to do. Even though the other spouse is getting the money, he/she should have invite the non-Muslim to join the religion because he/she believes its the right thing to do not because of 10 grand.

But if you think deeply, RM10,000 is a lot of money and it is so tempting that you can't hardly say no. It is sort of like a catalyst .. suddenly you feel like you want to marry a non-Muslim because at the back of your mind you want that cash. You can buy nice clothes, pay the deposit for a new car or house and perhaps pay for your honeymoon.

As you can see, it really attracts the attention of Muslims into inviting non-Muslims into Islam and marrying them. Maybe the initial intention was wrong but at least the person invited a non-Muslim into Islam, right? Maybe later the converted one can start learning about Islam or whuteva. But still I have to hand it to PAS .. that's a good tactic .. a little bit dirty but gets the job done.


Anonymous said...

here in malaysia, irregardless whether you are graduate engineer, doctor, lawyer, architect..etc, as soon as you turn a politician, automatically u'll become stoopid.

and i'm so glad and proud that i'm not a registered voter.

Anonymous said...

Aku suka doo kalau kau bincang pasal topik gini. Props for having a real good topic to discuss.

But firstly, memang dari mata kasar senang sangat untuk kita bidaskan bahawa tindakan itu salah, tindakan ini salah. Setiap pilihan pemimpin tak betul. "The man" is oppressing the crowd and many other justifications that we created just so that we feel we're the only soul in this world that has the right to opiniate and be heard. Jangan cepat melatah. Lihat dan perhati, kemudian berfikir. Then maybe then you'll sound less stupid and doesn't have to hide behind "anonymous".

Pada pendapat aku, Badol. PAS mengeluarkan tawaran sebegini bukanlah semata-mata untuk berkata "awak masuk Islam, awak dapat 10 ribu". But changing a religion is not an easy transition. Bukan perkara kecil bila bertukar agama ni. Para Muallaf akan berhadapan dengan pelbagai jenis masalah. Hadiah yang diberi dalam bentuk kewangan ini merupakan sebagai satu bantuan agar mereka dapat mengadaptasi kepada budaya kehidupan baru. Memang ianya nampak seperti insentif and in a way, it is. But this contribution from PAS is a way to tell them that when they convert, they're not alone. There are other brothers and sisters who care and are willing to help them to adjust to the Islamic culture. Hal begini ada berlaku di zaman Rasulullah dan para sahabat. Bantuan bukan sahaja diberikan dalam bentuk kewangan, malahan tempat tinggal, makanan dan pakaian. Cuba letakkan diri kita sebagai muallaf, most probably mereka dapat tentangan dari keluarga, berhadapan dengan pertukaran cara hidup...dari segi pemakaian, makanan dan tempat tinggal. And this is where the contribution could help.

Dan tawaran ini tak salah aku bukanlah open kepada semua golongan. Hanya kepada golongan yang susah, di mana ternyata bantuan kewangan amat diperlukan. Dan aku sokong bila kau kata bahawa lebih molek sekiranya kita dapat mengajak saudara baru tanpa sebarang imbuhan, but lets take it this way. This is PAS's way as a bridge connection dalam usaha mereka membantu komuniti Islam berkembang. And yeah, it works.

Bart said...

Dayymn G ... your comment is longer than my blog .. Anyhew, my first impression about the idea mmg negative aaa .. dah pk2 sikit baru tau the impact the step taken by PAS is going to make on Islam.

p.s - Baron, do u have your blog dude? coz if u don't u really need to start having one man .. it seems to me that u're a good writer

Anonymous said...

this comment goes to that 1st anonymous, not to badrul.

u r stupid too for not registering to vote. don't u realise that through voting, u can choose ur own representative, ur own leader?

u said that regardless the background, once he/she gets into politics, he/she becomes stupid. then u should use ur voting power to choose somebody u trust, the one u know won't be corrupted by this 'stupid politician syndrom'.

u r not a politician yet and see how shallow is ur thinking. i'm thinking how stupid more u can be if u become a politician. please, stay away from politic for God sake.

Anonymous said...

to registered voter,
somehow, i cant choose my own liking coz i'm sorry to say that all malaysian politicians only care for the own pockets and their own agenda. Give me someone worthy of getting my vote and then we can talk.

Bart said...

Registered voter: How the hell did you know my name?? Introduce yourself aaa at least I know who I'm talking to.

Even though I think what registered voter said is true, I have to admit I do think anonymous has a point.

There are some politicians who only think about themselves and their own needs regardless of what the people he/she represents want from him/her.

There are even those who play dirty, bribery is not something new in M'sian politics. I'm not saying this person is doing this and that.

Just think, if people who work at the top of the social status pyramid (I don't know what to call it)such as political leaders etc practice bribery, imagine the effect it might cause to the people at the lower part of the pyramid like police officers.

How many times have we heard about police officers asking for 'duit kopi'?

Anonymous said...

badol : aku tatau nama betul kau badrul. aku memati ingat "Vellu" or "Ajay Gupta". aku igt bebudak panggil kau badol pasal bila kau sengih macam A.R Badol. Tak larat do aku nak maintain blog. Blog ni apa, aku pun tatau.

politics sceneries di malaysia, actually pada pendapat aku it's too abstract to tell. Memang both ada points. Aku sokong ngan pendirian registered voter ( strongly, i might add) , however situasi politik Malaysia memang agak hazy. But nevertheless, how hazy it is...or how corrupt it is. That's not good enough of a reason to just step away from it.

Take Malaysia in a smaller scale. Let's assume Malaysia is our own house and our parents ( leaders ) are not doing their jobs right in maintaining the order of the house. Like cleanliness, laundries, meals...semuanya berterabur. That doesn't mean that we should just say "Scratch that. I'm not going to bother. Baik angkat kaki jalan. Pindah cari family lain lagi bagus". In my opinion, you do your very best to make things right. If you give up on things, then there's no reason for you to complaint at all in the first place. Because you've given up. And bila keadaan dah jadi begitu, then the fault does not lie only on the corrupt leaderships but also on the citizens themselves for not making any changes and allowing the corruptions to continue.

Anonymous said...

thank you baron for clarifying my point. i'm not very good with words as u can see.

to my anonymous friend. seems like you don't really know the voting system of our country. your power of voting isn't limited to those current politicians only. you can vote those calon bebas also, even the alternative parties' rep also can. a vote can decide who wins and who loses. maybe you see it's unlikely to win against those big party's rep, right? who knows, one day, the generation of progressive thinking like us grows more and more in terms of jumlah, so we might have a chance against them.

another reality is, there is no clean politics. go back to malaysia and realise this. actually, in this world, there's nothing absolutely, 100% clean from corruption. just because it's not good doesn't mean u can/need to step away from it. like Mr Baron said la kan. fight it, then if u die, at least u can die proudly. rather than a coward who doesn't even try.

badrul, i know ur name through one of my female friends. selamat berkenalan.

Anonymous said...

another thing, it's a bad generalization to say that ALL politicians are corrupted. Obviously I can't pinpoint which one is good, which is bad, but I can say this, there are some who are ikhlas in their work, even the percentage is small compared to the whole crowd. but at least these guys are sincere and we as the public still have some hopes. right?

Anonymous said...

macho gila baron

Bart said...

DAYYMMNNN Registered Voter cakap die tau name aku from one of his female friends .. xtau aaa plak ade pompuan yg mengenali aku krohkroh

Care to introduce yourself and perhaps your female friend too? :p

Fido Dido said...

Registered Voter's female friends know you from their "Sex Offenders" list, in case if you don't already know. So, don't just yet get your hope up high lest it will be dashed to smithereens.

RM 10,000 is sometimes not even enough for wang hantaran these days!! Anyway, on a serious note, is it fair to say a non-Muslim's soul is worth RM 10,000? Just to play the devil's advocate, what happens if a Christian missionary offer some poor Malay Muslims RM 20,000 to marry into Christianity? Which is not unheard of, by the way. I guess now all religions can start to play the market game of capitalism--the law of supply and demand. Let's find out what's the highest market price is for one's soul and what religion is willing to pay for it. Maybe some money from the oil-rich Arab states will help to up the ante.

Anyway, I'd love to comment on the whole voting issue, but I don't want my comment to be longer than your blog entry. One thing I have to say is voting is NOT the only means to affect changes in society, or the political system, for that matter. If you feel strongly about certain issues like corruption, police brutality, etc, AND you feel that your vote is a waste and utterly useless, then there are other avenues of participation you can pursue. Go join an NGO that works on the issues you care so much about; work with a political candidate you feel strongly about to get him/her elected; write letters to editors in the newspapers; write letters/email/call your representative in the Parliament and DUN to voice your grievances; or stage a revolution to overthrow the state! Bitching while doing nothing is not going to change anything. Apathy is worse than ignorance!

Anonymous said...

Oh badrul ni seorang yang pervert rupanya.
Kalau macam itu tak boleh daftar mengundilah ya.
Harap maklum.

Bart said...

oi abg spr .. lu perhal nak kutuk2 gua nih .. budget ko letak website suruhanjaya pilihanraya sbg your home website tuh bagus abis aaaa???

Aku xde hal kalau ko nak kutuk .. cume aku x suke dikutuk oleh org yg aku x kenal .. so sile perkenalkan diri anda sebelum mengutuk okeh?

nih perhal ramai anonymous laa abg spr .. sume aku x kenal nih .. kan senang kalau nak bagi komen introduce yourself first .. baru boley buat member .. betul tak?

Bart said...

Ohh ye lupe plak pasal fido .. wey tau aa ko tgh middle age crisis xyah nak cakap aku dlm sex offenders list plak .. ingat gua nih hine sgt ke

Ihsan Khairir said...

LOL badol, baca komen kat sini je dah cukup buat aku amused

Bart said...

ko tgk ihsan bape ramai org tulis komen utk blog nih ... yg lain2 aku tulis xde org pon nak bagi komen .. cakap pasal politic je sume semangat nak komen

Katak-kun said...

ye ah ckp pasal benda pervert sapa pun nak komen.


in internet you can't stop anyone from giving a comment without revealing who he/she is. so rilek aa badul, org tu tanak dikenali. takyah nak emo lak.

Bart said...

WOW meon muncul setelah sekian lame hilang dari blog aku .. ko pecer meon lame x dengar cite

karaoke ngan latte tiap2 weekend ke? Latte skrang dah hafal lirik lagu ke? ke still kantoi everytime nyanyi?

Anonymous said...

I likes bapes it is a really dope brand to buy but I cant afford no authentic bape cuz right now Im on the welfare, so I just usually look up bape on google and buy a replica one usually the quality is pretty good. I think Bape needs some new styles though.