Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Freedom of Speech

On Tuesday I bought USA TODAY. Yes I did buy USA TODAY and yes I do read newspapers. What I found so amusing but somehow pissed me off was that bloggers right now are being sued, up to millions. This article was on the front page of USA TODAY for god's sake.

Apparently, there was this dude who got charged with DUI, so he got a lawyer. After the procedings started, the dude somehow had a fight with the lawyer so he fired him (the lawyer). Then, in his blog he wrote bad things about the lawyer for example, and I quote from USA TODAY ".. blog was accusing the lawyer of bribing judges on behalf of drug dealers." The dude was instructed by the court to pay the lawyer $50,000.

I don't know whether to support the dude or to criticize him. On one hand, what the dude did was wrong. A person just can't falsely accuse other people of doing such things especially when it might affect other people's profession and also dignity. Kutuk Siti ngan Datuk K xpe aaa. Aku tgk misai Datuk K tuh aku dah panas. Die mengingatkan aku kpd seseorang dari Chicago yang ku amat tidak suke.

Back to what I was talking about, the dude. Yes I do think it was wrong for him to say things that might harm the lawyers credibility and reputation. But on the other hand, I do believe in Freedom of Speech. Every person has the right to voice out their opinion no matter how bad it sounds. It's a way to encourage open-minded thinking I guess because when you write about something, people who read the blog have the opportunity to comment on it and this will be a catalyst to start a discussion on the idea that the blog first wanted to express. Bapak complex ayat, aku bace balik pon x paham.

Anyways, I just want to say something about my blog. I would like to thank everybody who have been regularly reading my thoughts that I jot down on this blog. I'm really happy that this blog even though there's nothing fancy about it, can reach 5000 hits in less than a year. Thank you for sticking by this blog all this while. If you keep on checking out my blog then I will continue bringing interesting things for you to read. Again, thank you.


Anonymous said...

kena bagitahu pak lah, so that sang kelembai wont be sack for his blog..err, tahu ke pasal ni?

Anonymous said...

too easy aaa, badol.

Bart said...

Kyora: Siapakah saudari? Introduce laa sikit dulu at least boley jadik member blogger

sang kelembai nih sape? x penah dengar pon nickname tuh

Faidz: ape yg easy nye wey? xleh detail lagi ke ayat ko. x paham sial aku

Anonymous said...

oopss...sorry..masuk tak bagi salam pun, tak kenal pun sape tn punya blog, one day type melayu kat blog search, cross ur blog, post pasal ape tah, then follow

sang kelembai- politik junkie kat msia, raise attention sebab pak lah sack dia dr jadi UMNO member sebab dia kutuk pak lah kat blog tu