Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Blood Diamond is mind blowing

I went to Marcus Theatres last Friday with GAYen (Gay Giant), Epul and Manggis. We were like so damn bored that night. Got nothing to do and it was winter break; nobody's in the mood to do anything but sleep. So I figured I might as well just force these jerk offs to the movies since that's the only place we could go, besides Denny's of course.

Anyhew, I knew from the beginning that Blood Diamond would be a piece of work not because of Leo DiCaprio but the idea behind the movie itself. If I'm not mistaken I've seen on Oprah how the rebels from different groups fight against each other resulting in enormous bloodshed. Hotel Rwanda also featured the same thing. Even Kanye West wrote a song about how people from certain parts of Africa are oppressed in Diamonds from Sierra Leone. All these sources exposed me to how large the torture and sufferings these people face everyday.

Back to the movie. Well actually at first, GAYen thought the Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith was much more interesting than Blood Diamond, which was I was forced to watch the movie on Thursday since Epul was gullible enough to trust Gayen's words. The damn movie was lame and boring. I fell asleep the moment the movie started until it ended. A good 2 hour sleep but a waste of $8.25. This time I forced the dudes to watch the movie. Somehow rather they caved in.

Going into the cinema itself I was already sleepy. Been sleeping all day actually. Takde bende nak buat tido aa. Takkan nak buat cokodok kot. Gile gay. Anyway, from the moment Jennifer Connelly appeared till the end of the movie I was on full alert, like right after taking a can of Red Bull. I didn't know J Connelly was that beautiful until now. In the movie, her eyes was so pretty, I felt as though she was seducing me with her eyes.

The movie is about a diamond broker from S Africa (Leo), who buys uncut diamonds from the rebels and pays them with a huge number of AK-47s. The rebels murder the village people barbaricly, killing innocent women and children. Men are taken to work at river banks to get the diamonds while the boys are recruited into their army. The boys, mostly below 10 years of age, are trained to shoot at whomever is not part of the rebel. The rebels brainwash these kids into believing that they are fighting for their rights or whuteva. J Connelly plays a journalist with the National Geographic, oursuing a story on these rebels. I seriously believe Leo is multitalented, but I have to hand it to Djimon Hounsou (pic). He deserves at least an Oscar nominee for his role in the movie. You may have seen him in The Island. It sometimes amazes me how a nobody can give a performance better than some of his famous Hollywood major counterparts.

All in all I give this movie a 4/5 rating. You should definitely check it out.

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ijat said...
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