Friday, March 31, 2006

Sekolah sekolah KU

Sorry guys .. gua mmg busy gile lately xde mase nak tulis blog. But since my man ASSrif HOLEmar passed me the baton I had to do this one.

How many schools did I go to?
1) Tadika Wirawati - I included Tadika Wirawati bcoz apparently Judd also went to the same Tadika. Judd buat reunion jom! selamber!
2) Sek. Ren. Keb. Tmn. Melawati - there's nothing much for me to say here except that this is the place where I met my 2 best frens, Hazman and Sanjay. And btw Phuq you Man, aku balik M'sia bukan nak jumpe aku. Sedey sial member buat camnih.

Now comes the better part.
That's right Sek. Men. Keb. Tmn Melawati. Gua mmg all the way Melawati sampai Form 3. Nak cakap byk pengalaman tak jugak pasal everyday gi skolah balik itu jer. I don't think there's anymore to it.

This is kind of weird but even though there are a lot of girls in the picture, I was never close to one. Cakap pon 2-3 kali setahun je. I was so damn shy to talk to girls back then. Sometimes I still have that feeling when I talk to girls, rase cam tak nak cakap pasal malu sgt. I don't know why.
Since Gua mmg x cakap ngan betina, jantan jer laa yg gua layan. 11 org nih boley dikatekan member rapat gak aaa. Buat study group skali, main bola, gi Mid Valley tgk wayang, etc. Diorang nih laa live aku. Ke mane diorang pegi aku pegi.

MRSM Pengkalan Chepa - Kalau tak silap, waktu batch aku amik SPM, Maktab aku laa skola dpt result terbaik seluruh negara. Mmg bukan gua nak berlagak ke nak poyo ke ape, but when we found out that we were the best and we beat MRSM Taiping, pergh happy gile babi. Gua ingat aaa mmg tak abih2 berlagak depan dak Taiping bcoz the public asyik assume Taiping yg the best, skali kiterorg dpt no. 1 rasa cam on top of the world. Seriously, nih bukan poyo2 beb. Cerita betul nih beb.

Inilah 1st seumur hidup aku, aku sambut birthday .. ngan classmate plak tuh. Another thing, dengan pompuan2 nih laa aku 1st time berinteraksi ngan kaum Betina. Takkan asyik nak jantan je sampai mati. I'll die a virgin aaa gitu. Byk aaa pengalaman2 with my classmates yg gua xleh lupe ... kalau gua explain kat sini pon nanti jadik panjang lebar plak. Sayang xde gambar asrama aku.

This is my gang kat PC. My classmate. Aku berdiri sebelah pengetua tuh jgn main2. Rambut jambu lagi. Everyday kiterorg nanti hangout depan class waktu recess and Pok Yie and Jaha akan pow gula2 batuk yg aku beli dr Co-op. Mamat sebelah kiri pengetua tuh name die Lijid(Fadhli Majid). Aku siap ade buat lagu tema utk die waktu kat PC dulu. Saso de Smak tuturutu turu Saso de Smak. Mmg bodo gile aa tapi dr Form 4 sampai ke Form 5 lagu tuh melekat. The 2 years I spent at MRSM PC were the best 2 years of my life(Eurotrip to lain cite .. itu bercuti namenye). Mmg waktu last day nak blah dr dorm tuh terase macam nak menangis bcoz I had to watch my frens leave one by one. Seriously, kalau boley mmg nak continue blaja kat sane je. That's how hard it was it was for me to leave the place.

5) UTM Skudai - I enrolled for an express program right after SPM. So ade gak aaa waktu tuh dpt jumpe member2 PC aku .. but bukan yg biase aku hang out with .. so still terase sedey gak aaa.

6)PPP Seksyen 17 Shah Alam - Gua pon xtau aaa ape yg gua buat kat sini. Hari2 gi class bukan blaja pon .. dok rilek je. Mlm gi kuar lepak ngan Esyam .. kat PPP nih laa aku menjadik semakin rapat ngan Esyam, Kuyu and Yeng .. member2 PC aku.
7) University of Wisconsin - The place where I'm at right now. Ade gak aa pengalaman menarik kat sini .. dok tempat mat salleh kan .. not as good as MRSM PC.

Was I the studious nerd or the last minute Hero?
I would have to say I still am the last minute Hero but before I entered MRSM PC, I was the last minute nerd. Bukan senang nak jumpe nerd yg study last minute.

Was I the class 'taiko' or the teacher's pet?
Gua rase aaa until MRSM PC I wasn't the class 'taiko' or the teacher's pet. Tapi dah masuk PC gua depan cikgu mmg teacher's pet aaa blakang .. ade gak 'taiko' sikit2. Gua ingat ade skali tuh Cikgu Zaidi (Cikgu Homeroom aku dan juge Warden) masuk bilik aku pukol 12 mlm. Obviously waktu tuh aku dah baring atas katil nak tido aaa kan. Die marah roommate2 aku nih. Die cakap "Kamu tak nampak ke Badrul tgh nak tido tuh .. kenape tak tutup lampu lagi!! Dah tgh mlm dah nih!!" Roommate gua sume panas. Krohkrohkroh.

What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Hmm kalau x silap aku aku penah ponteng skola waktu sekola rendah dulu .. a couple of times gak. Ade skali tuh kantoi ngan parents aku haha. Tapi kalau cite yg lagi menarik. When I was in PC I was really active in Merentas Desa. Bukan setakat peringkat skola je. So ade aa skali tuh aku nak masuk Larian Antarabangsa Kelantan. Syarat die borang tuh kene hantar skali ngan tin Isomax sebijik. The night before the dateline gua xde tin Isomax lagi. Gua cuak aaa .. gua mane ade kecemerlangan akademik kat PC nih harap sijil merentas desa nih je la. So gua pon tekad utk fly. I remember clearly. The time was 11.30 pm. Tgh mlm nak fly sorang2 gile x gile. Gua panjat pagar blakang bilik aku. Ohh yeah I forgot to mention. Atas bilik aku bilik warden. Dgn selamber je aku panjat x pk langsung warden nampak ke tak. Gua jln kat 10 minit gi kedai Bapok. Skali die dah tutup. Gua pon menggelabah aaa. Jln plak gi Cabang Tiga tuh ade lagi 10 minit. Gua terlupe aa plak on the way gi Cabang 3 tuh ade Balai Polis. Mmg menggeletar tgn aku jln slow2. Skali sampai Cabang 3 tuh ade kedai runcit almost nak tutup. Alhamdulillah. Selamat aku. Gua beli 2 tin sekali gus, dpt balik tenage jln balik. ade kat 20 minit jln sorang2. Cuak woo. Skali bile gua sampai kat dorm, Exco Sukan, Muziman, Die dah gi fly belikan sume org satu tin. Gua mencarut x ingat dunia aaa ape lagi.

3 Subjects I enjoyed
1) Mathematics and Modern Math - From Standard 1 to Form 5, I have never ever got anything other than an A.
2) Pendidikan Jasmani - Kalau x silap, my PJK teacher when I was in Form 2 was Cikgu Zainal. Member campak bola bagi bebudak main. Pastuh die gi blakang blok layan ciggy.
3) Sociology 134 - Racial issues in America
Best gile class nih .. dok dlm class tgk video buat2 lawak bodo sume .. satu2 nye class yg aku amik kat U of Wisc nih yg aku enjoy.

3 teachers that inspired me
1) Pn. Siti Hani (MRSM PC - Chem teacher) - Helped me a lot with Chemistry
2) Cikgu Mat Derasid (MRSM PC - Bio teacher) - bagi aku minat nak blaja Bio .. kalau x mmg garenti fail nye.
3) Pn. Nik Faridah (MRSM PC - English) - Cikgu paling sporting penah aku jumpe

Tige2 cikgu nih mmg gua ingat sampai mati aaa. Byk sgt jasa ngan gua.

My turn to tag
1) Syu Adnan


Anonymous said...

Huh.. menarik citer demo nih.
MRSM PC yek. Batch bila nih ?

Cikgu Zaidi tuh bekas cikgu Mat Moden ambo aka guru homeroom D2 ( my homeroom ).
Cikgu MISS Nik Faridah plak my english teacher yg juga merangkap guru homeroom D1. Dia baru jer bersara few months ago.

Dan ambo memang sempat ngan Pengetua Roslan nih. In fact, my batch pernah hidup dalam era pemerintahan 2 pengetua berbeza.
But during our time, takde air terjun mcm dlm gambar tu. Perhaps tuh idea pengetua Roslan kot.

Kalau diteliti dari kedudukan dan posisi kelas dalam gambar yang demo tunjuk ini, nampak mcm kelas Dinawari !? Is it ?

Ohh, FYI, I was with Dinawari 9798.

P/s : MRSMP PC skang jatuh tercorot SPM dalam keluarga PKP. Bawah Taiping, Jasin dan Langkawi. Zaman keemasan dah berlalu.

Bart said...

Sorry aaa brader gua Eimranian aa 99/00 nye batch. Mmg Cikgu Zaidi n Miss Nik pon jadik homeroom teachers utk klas Eimran

Miss Nik dah bersara??? adus waktu summer ari tuh balik M'sia ingat nak gi PC jumpe Miss Nik .. skali x jadik gi .. seronok aa borak ngan die

Yg air terjun tuh mmg Tuan Haji Ruslan yg buat .. kiterorg siap menang pertandingan Lanskap Terbaik Seluruh Negara tuh jgn main2.

Skrang nih mmg PC dah jatuh .. waktu batch aku ngan senior aku je MRSM PC dpt no satu SPM seluruh M'sia .. pastuh fuck up.

Nak tanye soalan sikit ... guano demo jumpo website kawe?

Anonymous said...

Alamak. Lupa plak yg ambo pnah kasi komen kat sini suatu ketika dahulu.

Nih pun terserempak lagi gara gara main search pakai Google BlogSearch lagi, searched pakai keyword macam2, dari "Kelantan" ke " MRSM PC " ....

Yup, that's it.. I found your blog via and that Pendeta Za'Ray was me. Again.

I think that answered the question.

Try it urself.

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