Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Daily Gullible : Your Guide to Buying a New Car

Most of us are already young adults now. You will reach a time when you already have a steady job and what more to do then to spend that money you just got on a brand new car. We all have different reasons for buying a car. Many of us guys are just doing it to impress the girls while there are still some noble ones who just buy cars for the sake of moving from one place to another.

So, Daily Gullible has found a couple of ways to help you decide on your future car.

First and foremost, the most important criteria you must consider when buying a car is that you look awesomely great in it. It doesn't matter if you're fat, look like an Orang Utan or just plain ugly. If you look good in your car, chicks will dig you. They'll think "Hey, if I ride with this dude, I'm gonna look super hot"

Next, you must have the right clothes to go with your ride. If you're like my man Kadak who's wearing Asrif's huge underwear on his head, you might have to take a reality check on yourself. Doing this means you are definitely not gonna get laid ... at all.If you plan to ride your car with your friends, make sure to take your best friend only. Otherwise, those other ass holes won't pay for gas.Btw, that's me sitting next to Asrif, back in our MRSM PC days

Or perhaps if you just don't give a shit about your buddies because the only important thing to you is chicks. You need to get a car that will make the chicks jump inside your car without you asking them to do so. And that my friend, needs some wishful thinking. The car has to look sexy and has an element of finesse in it. It has to be masculine but doesn't show that you're self-centered and obsessed with how fast the car's maximum speed. And yes men are self-centered. You don't have to argue about that.

So, guys be sure to make the right choice when buying a car and make sure you're the one making the final decision ... not the girl coz she's gonna ask you to buy a sleezy VW Beetle or Hyundai Accent(the one that Meon has krohkrohkroh).Happy Car Shopping!!

p.s If you're wondering where the remaining pictures went, well let's just say I had to deal with some copyright issues.


Fido Dido said...

siul ler.. kutuk kereta meon.. kereta tu la yg bawak kau gi main bola tiap2 jumaat mlm.. kalau meon baca post kau mampus dia suruh kau naik kereta "beb" jumaat ni hahaha!!!

Bart said...

aku pon xtau naik kete mane lagi sengal .. kalau kete meon asyik kene kutuk je .. kete mr. macho telinga terbakar .. masalah2

Katak-kun said...

hah. nasib baik aku ada masa nak bukak blog arini. mulai dari hari ni, jgn harap nak naik kete aku ataupun pinjam sama sekali. HARAM!!