Friday, March 03, 2006

Daily Gullible : Idiots' No. 1 Newspaper

March 3rd, 2006 - The Malaysian Goverment has gone on a rampage and suspended a blog because it showed a picture lampooning Prophet Muhammad. Anarchy in Dystopia which is the title of the blog, is owned by Madison's own number 1 bachelor, Fido. He has been maintaining the blog for a couple of years now, providing his frequent viewers with intellectual writings with issues that range from economy to politics to just being patriotic.

Fido said he received a call on the suspension from the Internal Security Ministry yesterday evening. They also told him that they are thinking of revoking his Malaysian passport as there were some articles from his blog that criticised the Malaysian Government and the way they ruled the country.

Meon, a close friend of Fido said that the goverment's suspension of Fido's blog is ridiculous. "What the fuck is this? We can't have our own fucking opinions? Fido was just expressing his thoughts regarding the issue and he wasn't even supporting the newspapers for publishing those caricatures of the Prophet. He was in fact criticizing them for mis-using the term 'freedom of speech'. What the fuck is wrong with that?" he added.

Fido said that he didn't regret writing that article as he believes that what he wrote was right. But he was clearly pissed of suspension and the thought that the government wants to revoke his Malaysian nationality. "I don't give a shit what they (the government) are gonna give me. I'm a proud American and America is the best nation in the world. We can win the World Cup !!!" Fido somehow being supportive of the American soccer team.

Anarchy in Dyctopia was suspended for reproducing offensive caricatures of Prophet Muhammad. Fido said he will appeal and perhaps go to International Court to fight for his blog. He said he won't dissapoint his supporters (if there are any).

p.s - This article was written just for the sake of humor. If any of you believe any part of this article, you are clearly a fucking idiot. The other thing I want to state is that I am thankful to the Malaysian Government for giving me the opportunity to study in the U.S.A. Satu lagi projek Barisan Nasional yang berjaya! Hidup Barisan Nasional!!


Fido Dido said...

I'm writing this comment from the dreaded Kamunting prison, or better known as the "Malaysian Guantanamo." Yes, the rumor mill is true. I have been detained by Special Branch people working in collaboration with the FBI early Sat morning right after I got back from Denny's.

I was immediately deported to Malaysia, and as of now, languishing in the prison cell with the likes of KMM militants and the followers of Ayah Pin. But I know what you're thinking: "How come they have internet access in the prison?" It's the 21st century, dumbass! Even the stinky public toilet at Pudu Raya has WiFi service. The only trick is to figure out how to work your laptop while mencangkung over the shithole.

Anyway, I'll be spending the next two years incommunicado, or in layman's term, not allowed contact with the outside world. Amnesty Int'l is picking up my cause and has been bombarding Azmi Khalid's and Pak Lah's offices with letters from my supporters. And I'm also naming names. I've told the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, SB, NSA, KGB, Interpol, Stassi, ISI, Gestapo and Kopassus that a person by the name of B*d*u* H*s*a* B*d*r S*h is the real mastermind. Just look at his "perasan macho" goatee and not think he's one of the "Ay-rab" (kena sebut style Bush sikit) terrorists. If currently detained Zacharias Moussauoi is the 19th hijacker, then Badwool is the 53rd one. Unbelievable? Better believe it!

If any of you people believe this, then you are one fucking stool. Yes, you, idiot!

Bart said...

Baik ko buat satu blog trus je ... bapak panjang komen hahaha

Katak-kun said...

ye badul, aku menyokong fido dlm hak asasi manusia. walaupun ko cuba untuk cium buntut BN dlm last perenggan ko, orang tetap tau siapa sebenarnya ko. so lepas ni ready lah utk ditangkap tanpa sebab under ISA.
semoga fido tidak mengalami sebarang masalah buasir ketika cuba mencari signal wireless.

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)

Anonymous said...

How you find ideas for articles, I am always lack of new ideas for articles. Some tips would be great