Thursday, March 15, 2007

From Madison with love

I always thought that leaving Madison would make me really really sad coz I'm the kind of person who's ... not to say emotional but someone who finds it hard to move on to a new surrounding. Upon stepping into the my Madison-Chicago flight, I was kind of in a sorrow mood for about 10 minutes.

Somehow tgh2 emo boley plak terlelap and by the time I woke up I was already in Chicago. The same goes with my Chicago-LA flight, I felt nothing towards Madison. Practically bcoz I was enjoying Man of the Year starring Robin Williams, in-flight. Shocking to say but that was an awesome movie, Robin Williams was fuckin hilarious honestly.

When I entered the INS office in LAX, I knew something felt weird. That would be the last I'll ever be in there (INS), getting that annoying stare from the bastards at INS, as though they are saying with their eyes "Damn terrorist .. why the hell would I want you in my country???"

The officer wasn't pissed off at me. 2 years ago I had a bad memory there. The officer was somehow angry at me for making a facial expression of some kind resulting in him putting his fingers on his gun and telling me "Do u have a problem???" This time the INS dude treated me like someone he would meet at Walmart (Not in a gay way). He was very kind and talked to me with respect.

As I was to board for my MAS flight I can see a couple of Malaysians and I did end up making some new frens. But in the back of my mind I was thinking .. " I am about to leave America for good. No turning back." I know some people say there is a chance for me to come back to the US for whuteva reason, but that's like a 1 in a million chance anyways.

It was sad at first but once I entered the aircraft and saw MAS stewardess'... I was like "daymn .. fuck Madison man .. I am going to enjoy my flight" Dah laa seat gua position baik nak usya pramugari2 MAS .. siap layan borak buat2 lawak bodoh skali. Layan .. layan. Tapi yg gua x tahan diorang nih terkezut when they found out I can talk in Malay. Bukan sorang plak tuh beberape. Ingat gua nih bukan Malaysian celake.

Even when I reached KLIA, the sorrow feeling was never there. I was somewhat happy to be home. Dah 2 tahun x balik. It felt really weird though being in an environment where everybody is Malaysian. Perhaps I'm accustomed to the Americans who knows.

I guess the reason why I was never sad of leaving Madison was I got bored of the city, place or lifestyle. Hari2 dok baring buat bodoh je made me got sick of staying there kot. That is past now, I'm pursuing new horizons now. Ohh ye bebudak yg dak kat malaysia contact aku wey. Gua tgh sangap nak kuar.

Serip futsal weekend nih selamber bomber.


Asrif Yusoff said...

wtf badol berapa kali nak mention nama aku...

one day ko amek lrt kul 1 sampai klcc gi lunch ngan aku ah. tapi jgn harap ah aku ada bawak awek mkn skali. jantan je mkn ngan aku beb, pompuan tak sudi.

anyway, futsal mlm esok (sabtu) 9 - 10, sports barn pj. better be there... aku tau la kedai esok ramai org mlm sabtu nak tgk bola, tapi mintak je la cuti from bos ko. suruh member lain tarikkan teh malam esok.

Fido Dido said...

sori la bro tak hantar ko kat airport hari tu.. aku lupa nak tukar jam utk daylight-saving time.. aku bangun kul 1 ingatkan sempat nak gi airport.. rupa2nya kul 2!! tapi pepahal pun nanti jumpa kat mesia la.. aku gi indo setahun bulan 8 ni, so aku balik mesia la raya tahun ni.. jumpa nanti la woii.. bagi aku hp no kau.. hp aku kat mesia tak pernah tukar nombor.. masih tetap 012-619-5318. tapi kalau ko call skrg mak aku la yg angkat phone hahaha!!

Bart said...

Serip: oi ko bagitau waktu futsal kat sini buat ape .. aku bukannye online ari2 ... tau aaa ko gi gym hujung minggu join mak ko aerobik .. ke ko amik yoga?? yoga boley kuruskan perut ko ke?

ko setakat main 15 minit dah pancit nak minum air .. wserupe xyah main ... ngocok kuak aaa mnate nih

Setan Gondrong: kecik sial hari aku ko x dtg .. buat member camnih ... yg gua x tahan tuh ko boley nak tepon aku saje nak menyemak kat voicemail .. celake

ko balik malaysia nanti jgn lupe bawak brg kesayangan meon .. die tgh gersang tuh .. jgn lupe bawak gel rambut die skali

Unknown said...

serius ko dh balik for good ke?kalo main futsal ko ajar serih sket camna main futsal..claim tere memanjang..hahahha

Anonymous said...

i wonder y people thnik u're not malaysian... mmmm.... mmm.... can't find a reason..

Bart said...

kiss ma ass

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ofcoursela the stewardess terkejut when u speak malay bcoz they think that u can only speak urdu

Anonymous said...

enuff said alpancongan albakdolan.. enuff said... don't need an expert to said that