Thursday, November 30, 2006

Are you for show G?

Yesterday or the day before I read in Utusan about a Minister who was concern about Bukit Bintang's image, tarnished by the illegal pimping (like there's legal pimping anyways) that's going on in that area. The Minister feared that this might draw the tourists away from Bukit Bintang coz these tourists might feel that it is not safe to hang around or clubbing in BB, bcoz of the hoe's presence.

I simply don't understand why the pimping activities would coz a negative impact on tourism for BB. Look at Thailand for instance, European men go there just bcoz they know that they can have sex with underage Asian girls on the cheap. They basically have to pay the price of a 2 litre Coca-Cola bottle to have sex. How awesome is that. That's definitely gonna bring in the Euro currency and help improve the country's currency exchange isn't it?

Now if you wanna tell me that it is unethical to do that bcoz Malaysia is an Islamic country whuteva, then why don't you abolish nightclubs and perhaps ban alcohol too. Then Jeslina Hashim can't tell the newspapers that JAIS treated her unfairly, bcoz she can't go to ZOUK in the first place. Warghwarghwargh. "Mak bapak saya cakap saya boleh pakai camni. Kenape JAIS nak hantar saya masuk jail pasal pemakaian x senonoh pulak?" Masalah .. masalah.

Anyhew, there's another article in Utusan that caught my attention. There was this 77 year old dude who shot his neighbor with a rifle bcoz he taught his neighbor was a monkey on a tree near his house. First of all, why the hell is a 77 year old man handling a rifle? You ain't Dick Cheney man. He should know he's already 77 years old and pretty much has useless eyesight, why operate a damn rifle in the first place? I know that old man is practically blind, but it is so hard to distinguish a man from a monkey? Dah aaa jiran sendiri pon x kenal ke?

We all live a weird world where things that make no sense at all keep on occuring. What happened to the old fashioned murder/snatch/rape cases? Bukan dulu byk kes rogol ke? Takkan perogol2 sume mogok kot?

p.s I'm not saying the rapists should start raping people. I was just being sarcastic.


Unknown said...

a'kum bro..bukan niat nak apa2 pun ko kena ingat kita ni sume Islam..walaupun kita xleh ubah sume tu kurang2 kita kene benci bende2 maksiat ni..agama ni bukan kita wat bende suka hati je..hati2 aa dlm menulis okeh..sori kalau terkasar bahasa..aku takut ada orang terikut2 apa ko tulis je...sekadar pendapat..assalamualaikum

Bart said...

waalaikumussalam .. xde hal jeghi .. aku bukannye serious pon bile aku cakap kegiatan pelacuran tuh patut dibanggekan.

I was just being sarcastic same goes with the Jeslina Hashim case .. When our country is proud of its Islam Hadhari .. negare kite still allow things like nightclub2 and alcohol to be absorbed into the society

Skrang nih dah jadik trend bebudak skola (Muslims) plak gi clubbing n drink alcohol. Aku x kisah kalau nak ade nightclub or alcohol as long as muslims are banned from those things.

Anyways, terima kasih di atas teguran saudara. Appreciate it.

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