Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mawi Mania

What the hell is wrong with people in Malaysia nowadays? I thought people only adore artists who are not only hip and trendy but they also have to be 'kamchak' or in other words 'got some style'.

In the 90s, I remembered that Malay gurls go crazy over KRU. I don't know why, maybe bcoz Norman, Yusry and Edry are all good looking. But that's not the weird part. Boys also were crazy over KRU. I remembered that when I was in Standard 5, a couple of my frens were so obsessed with them. After the school bell rang, they waited until everybody went home. When the classroom was empty they would practice KRU dance moves on the floor. I'm fuckin' serious. I saw them doing this. Some of them even went to KRU Records, which was quite near my school (Melawati), to get autographs. They didn't bring a CD or a poster, they just asked KRU to sign on 1 ringgit notebooks. How funny is that?

I've never been to KRU Records myself when they were still in Melawati (now KRU Records is situated in Setiawangsa) but near their office was a KFC. So there was this one time when my class did a party in KFC. I and a couple of my frens came in early so we waited for the others outside of KFC. To our shock we saw Sasha Saidin of Elite wandering around that area. I mean that bitch was fuckin hot man. No kidding.

Anyways, back to my actual topic, after KRU there was the GT BOYS and then came the NEW BOYS. I don't know any fuckin reason why gurls were so obsessed with them. They knew nothin bout guitars and shit. I mean if you really take a close look at these boys, you see nothing but 'budak hingusan's only, pretending to be macho dudes.

Another artist that has been so famous for almost 10 fuckin years is .. you guessed it Siti Nurhaliza. To tell you the truth, I have never ever like any of her songs. I don't listen to her songs actually. The reason is I'm so annoyed that people are so crazy over this girl. Nak cakap hot I think Camelia is must hotter than Siti is. Even Camelia's songs are much better than Siti's, whose songs to me are full of crap. And Siti is behaving as though she's the nicest gurl in the world. C'mon aaa stop the lousy acting aa Siti. We've got Awie for that (Sembilu I and II).

Last summer when Akedemi Fantasia 3 was going on, everybody was talking bout Mawi. And when he won the damn show, he was in the front page of many newspapers including New Straits Times. Every one was talking bout this kid from Felda Terendak or whuteva. Nak cakap macho tak, handsome tak, stylo pon tak. I don't see how Mawi has any attractions at all and yet everyone kept on talking bout him.

The interesting thing is that PAS who has been ruling Kelantan for more than 10 years, suddenly changed its policy of no concert at all, bcoz of Mawi. Nik Aziz only allowed Mawi to perform in Kelantan. Dikir Barat pon xleh buat concert tapi Mawi boley plak. WTF??

Look at the picture above ... is that the person you want to idolize? A man who picks his nose in public? C'mon people .. whut the hell is wrong with you guys?


Anonymous said...

eleh badol. dah siti suara sedap, ada gaya menyanyi. ko igt peminat tgk muke/ hot tak hot penyanyi tu je ke? kalo memang dia nice, dia act nice la.. ko ada bukti dia tak nice, tapi act nice?? biase la melayu tgk org dah kaya, berjaya.. ada je la hasad dengki
ler betul ke dia pick his nose? kalo hidung dia gatal masa tu. takkan nak act cool je? bodo apa kan? sure la garu sket
biar la.. kalo orang dah suke.. ko tak suke. ada masalah ke? kecantikkan seseorang tu depend pada org yg melihatnye.. mungkin pada mata org lain, dia ada sesuatu yg memikat...

Anonymous said...

badol,,u've got ur style of do siti.
btw,terendak takde felda badol..bukak blik buku geografi sasbadi ko.;p

Anonymous said...

badol,,u've got ur style of do siti.
btw,terendak takde felda badol..bukak blik buku geografi sasbadi ko.;p

Anonymous said...


mesti ko cemburu ngan Newboyz nih eh?

Anonymous said...

Come on, badhole. No reason to be pissed about it. Ini dunia entertainment. Pasal Siti vs Camelia, aku sendiri tak berapa suka Siti. But mind this, tak suka tak semestinya benci. It's just that kelebihan yang ada pada dia tak kene pada taste aku. But aku admit, she's talented. Ada rupa, suara dan perwatakan. Kau kata yang dia berlakon baik. Do you really have a proof that she was acting or you were just saying that out of spite? ( btw, yes Camelia is hot but if you wanna "idolize" her, might wanna check her activities as a "good idol" )

Kes Mawi pun, I'm not a big fan. I honestly don't think he's much of a singer. But he's bringing something different to the viewers. I don't ask you to idolize him nor do I ask you to like him. But cuba lihat keadaan tu with eyes unclouded. Does every entertainment idols have to be "hip" and "stylos"? Conform to the mainstream of thinking? He's coming out to the entertainment world as he is. Not pretending to be someone he's not and for that, I salute the guy. And the great thing is that he's being pervasively accepted. And what's wrong with being happy with someone's success? No reason to shot them down with negative responses, right?

Lastly, kau kene faham that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty itself is a subjective topic. Baik di mata kau tak semestinya baik di mata orang lain. And vice versa. Best is to balance your views not only on one side. Love your writing style but with slanted views such as this, made it look like a retard's work.

( hey, you appreciate honesty right? )

Anonymous said...

And Siti is behaving as though she's the nicest gurl in the world. C'mon aaa stop the lousy acting aa Siti. <-- kalau siti buat mana ni .. die takkan tahan nak berlakon macam tu selama 10-15 tahun badhole.. pikir2kan lah

Anonymous said...

*mana -- macam

kau suke berdebate about current issue kan? so no hurt-feeling ok

Bart said...

Since ramai gile bagi komen gua komen satu2 aa senang

Anonymous said...
ko ada bukti dia tak nice, tapi act nice??

I say :Gua penyokong Sharifah Aini

chempaka said...
terendak takde felda badol

I say: Mane gua tau xde Felda Terendak. Gua x penah amik tau pon Mawi dr Felda mane. Xde faedah pon.

badhole said...
mesti ko cemburu ngan Newboyz nih eh

I say: Two words :xxxx xxx haha Don't you think I've got better things to do than to idolize those numb nuts?

Anonymous 2 said...
-Camelia is hot but if you wanna "idolize" her, might wanna check her activities as a "good idol"
-kau kene faham that beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I say: I never said Camelia is a "good idol" .. I know she goes to night clubs n stuff. I just said she's hot and her music's good.
I know laa beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is my blog ain't it? What I write is just my opinion. Why should I write bout what other people think in my own blog???

saja2menyibok said...
die takkan tahan nak berlakon macam tu selama 10-15 tahun

I say: First of all, 15 thn? xkan Siti dah kuar waktu aku umur 8 thn kot. Anyways, Siti doesn't act 24/7 aaaa. Dia berlakon depan camera je.
Just like Britney a couple of years ago, she told the world she was a virgin. Jessica Simpson too, she said b4 she married Nick Lachey she was a virgin

Bart said...

To add to my 'short' comment above, I would like to stress out that I don't have a problem accepting criticism from people. But if you want to critique me, treat me as an intellectual not as 'retard'.

One more thing, if you have the balls to critique me, have the balls to admit who you are.

And for Anonymous2, whassap with the meatspin man, that's just gay dude.

Anonymous said...

keh, keh, keh...badol, badol...I guess you're right abt ppl needing to have some balls if they want to criticize others. but c'mon laa... this is the internet. you have got to be really lame if you even feel the need to respond to some random nobody on the net.

on the subject of siti, I remember my eldest sis telling me that she's actually a nice person in real life (my sis used to work w/ her as a back-up singer for awhile). maybe she's still a gadis kampung at heart kut. even if it's an act that she puts on (as you claimed), I'd still say that her attitude is by far better than the other so-called 'artistes' who are openly behaving like whores and sluts.

Bart said...

I'll have to agree about that. Just take Jeslina Hashim. Angry at Jabatan Agama Islam bcoz she was caught wearing something indecent and tried to support her argument by saying "Mak Bapak saya x kisah saya pakai macam nih."

Bak kate Nick, eeiii ignorant nyer krohkrohkroh.

Anonymous said...

i'd say fuck you. baru mengaji kat amerika dah sombong. macam bagus la lu mamatttt. takde apa yang bagus kat malaysia ni. aku suggest, kau duduk la kat sana. kawan dengan mat saleh yang tak basuh berak!

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous before me: aku setuju. tapi satu aku nak betulkan. bukan kawan dengan mat salleh (sebab aku tau malaysians yg mengaji di sini tak tau/segan nak berkawan dengan mat salleh). kawan dengan diri sendiri dan melayu2 yang nak berkawan dengan kau!

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the compliment all those years ago when you saw me in Melawati.... cheers mate

Anonymous said...

Another ranting from a Mawi hater. Which singer do you like? the sex pistol or boy george. In Mawi's case it's either you see it or you don't see it or you're fucking envious of his overnight success.I am not a fan of CT but I can listen to some of her songs and I don't whack her personality.

Anonymous said...

Just because you think you're all that, talking crap in semi-standard English which in turn means you're "hip" and "trendy" (in your own eyes anyway), doesn't mean you have first clue of what you're talking about. If half of Malaysia thinks of Mawi as THE phenomenal talent of the decace (century??), then they must be on to something....I mean who are you to judge them really? Have you really taken the time to actually listen to his songs? Heard him live? Or are you just quoting the opinions of the biased reporters / journalists of newspapers and magazines? I mean you take the worse picture of the guy you could find and post it on your web site to justify your opinions and think that's right? He has living legends such as M. Nasir backing him up, do you think that's just a coincidence?

Dude, seriously...get a clue.


Anonymous said...

p.s. Siti is a multi-faced husband stealer and home wrecker with no conscience. She puts on a show for everyone but there are times when her selfishness and evilness shines through ;) Girl sure can sing though, wonderful voice! That is my opinion :)