Friday, April 21, 2006

Youth Aids - Aldo

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I found out about this website a couple of weeks ago. To tell you the truth, I even bought the damn tag. I only paid a measly 10 bucks for it.

The tag is something similar to the Livestrong wristband. It's about showing everybody a statement that you support or believe in. In Livestrong's case, it used to be for showing support but after awhile everybody started wearing em' like a fashion item.

Anyways, this Youth-Aids thing is about giving support to the youths having the deadly virus. In fact, there are millions of them. I know we got teenagers who got it from drugs and unprotected sex. I don't give a shit about them. I'm talking bout the ones who got it from their parents. These are the innocent youths who have nothing to do with the virus but end up like dirt just bcoz of their parents actions.

C'mon guys it's not hard to fork out some money just for the sake of these people. It's only 10 bucks for crying out loud. You get to wear it like the superstars. Christina, Charlize, Avril .. they all wear them.

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