Monday, April 30, 2007

Lousy Service

I went to's office at Jalan Sultan Ismail near Maju Junction (Yes Fido I know where Maju Junction is) this morning. I wanted to pay the 50 dollar fee for the Priority package they are offering.

Once I arrived there, this was the conversation I had with the receptionist.

Me: I would like to pay the 50 ringgit fee for the priority package.

Rec: Have you registered for the package yet?

Me: Not yet.

Rec: You have to register first before paying.

Me: Can't I just register here?

Rec: No, you have to do it on your own.

At that instant, I was like WTF man???? I am already there ... why can't she just do registration part for me?? Too lazy to move ur ass is it? The damn computer was right in front of her. Is it so hard to provide good customer service??

The other day, I went to a departmental store to purchase a battery operated shaver. So, I asked the salesman whether I can have a look at that thing prior to buying. I want to make sure I'm getting what I'm looking for .. quality, reliability or whuteva. The dude told me I have to buy it first, only then he'll open the packaging for me.

How do you expect me to buy that product if I'm not convinced that the product is up to my standards?? Does the bastard expect me to trust his words over my judgement? You gottabe kidding me.

From my experience in the States, American companies make it a point to provide great customer service. They make sure that the consumer is satisfied with their service because this will attract the customers to come back for a 2nd time or perhaps tell their peers that the companies treated them well.

WTF is wrong with my country?? The government keeps on focussing on turning us into a developed nation but we still think like a 3rd world country. Need to change the attitude man.

Malaysia Boleh!!


Fido Dido said...

maju dah kau skrg dah tau maju junction kat maner... balik nanti boleh la belanja aku mkn kat foodcourt atas tu..

Anonymous said...

final champs league. chelsea vs milan..hahah..sorry badol..

Bart said...

Setan - selamber tapi gua skrang still jadik penganggur aaa so gua rase lu aa kena belanje aku kwakwakwa

Acai - Chelsea nak masuk final Champs League???? Mengharap aaa brader. Chelsea team sampah aaa harap beli player2 mahal jer lebey. Mourinho tunggu mase nak kene sack tuh

Asrif Yusoff said...

apsal ko nak expect customer service kat msia sama ngan us? it wont happen. live with it.

Anonymous said...

you know why they say "silence is golden"?

Ty said... much for 'orang melayu berbudi bahase tinggi', kan?